In cooperation with RCREEE and meetMED II, and GlobalABC and ADEME organised a roundtable discussion to address the topic of resilient building construction in the Mediterranean context from the perspective of COP 27 that will be hosted in Egypt. The event took place on March 7th 2022 at Nice/FR.
Professor Lorenzo Pagliano, of ABC21 and Politecnico di Milano, presented the ABC21 Africa-Europe collaborative project on bio-climatic architecture. Its goal is to revive knowledge on passive techniques and vernacular bio-climatic architecture while at same time updating them to the conditions of XXI century.
A fruitful exchange needs a common language to assess and communicate the energy and comfort performance of such enhanced passive techniques. The recent standards ISO 52 000: 2017 (energy) and ASHRAE 55:2020 (comfort), based on input from research in both Global South and North, offer such language and are presented graphically in specific ABC21 reports and webinars.
Positive role of air velocity for summer comfort (via natural ventilation or ceiling fans) is now fully recognised and quantified in standards, which allows for wider adoption of passive strategies. The project documents this via 24 case studies (12 of them already published here), analysed in detail. Part of them will be further analysed via a monitoring campaign and Post Occupancy Evaluation, in order to support evidence-based adoption of bio-climatic architecture in regulation and policy.
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