- Thursday | Nov 10th
- 9h - 10h local Egypt time or 8h-9h CET
- Blue zone – Buildings Pavilion (Zone C, Area 5, lot n. 113)
THE EVENT WILL BE STREAMED THOUGH THIS LINK: https://vimeo.com/event/2552858

Buildings have to provide comfort under warmer outdoor weather conditions, primarily by up-to-date passive techniques and bioclimatic architecture and efficient active systems for the residual energy needs. Resilient new buildings and renovations should anticipate in their design, construction and operation the average raise in temperatures and provide thermal safety against longer and stronger heatwaves.
What are the current approaches and solutions to those needed services in such locations as the Mediterranean and African regions under warmer outdoor weather conditions and heatwaves as of the RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios? Are future weather files ready and available as input for the design? How can these approaches support energy sufficiency, efficiency, and flexibility to integrate variable RES, coupled with affordability objectives? What are the enablers for the scaling-up of future proof building in a warmer climate ?
This session provides different point a view on these challenges, with a panel of speakers involved in the strategy design and the projects implementation, in different locations in the world.
- Moderation of the event: Idriss KATHRADA, Inoal CEO, Fidic SDC
9:00 Opening remarks
- Régis MEYER – French Ecological Transition Ministry
9:10 Summer comfort Building performance in a changing climate, with a RCP4.5 and 8.5 perspective
- Lorenzo PAGLIANO – Prof. & V.D. Master RIDEF 2.0 – Politecnico di Milano
9:20 Current practices and perspectives, under various policy contexts
- Heba ABDEL-HALIM – Ph.D. Candidate, CEO of Passive House Egypt
- Rym NAFTI – PEEB National Coordinator – Tunisia
- Jessica GROVE-SMITH – International Passive House Association
10:00 End of the event
Very nice post and helpful information