On Friday, November 5th @ 15h30 CET, Prof. Asmae Kahldoun and Prof. Lorenzo Pagliani participated in a joint online session as a part of the EU side events of COP 26. The tile is “Decarbonising Buildings: the importance of energy efficiency and low-carbon construction materials” and is a joint cooperation with VELUX and EUROACE.
- IEA Introduction – by Brian Motherway IEA
- Ambitions to reduce CO2 in buildings and supply chains by Ingrid Reumert, VP External relations and sustainability VELUX
- How to design with use of natural solutions by Prof. Lorenzo Pagliano from Politecnico di Milano and Prof. Asmae Khaldune, from Al Akhawayn University in Morocco (5 min)
- Panel debate on policy – how to develop policies and legislation that reduce emissions from buildings during their full lifetime? (10 min)
- Panel debate on energy efficiency – how can renovation fulfill the ‘Net-Zero Scenario’: increasing the renovate rate to 2,5%? (10 min)
- Closing word and perspectives by Brian Motherway IEA (3 min
Stay tuned for updates!